Weight Loss Doctor - Rock Island

Dr. Ilesh has around 20 years of experience in the field of weight loss. He has treated several patients as a leading weight loss doctor in the areas of Rock Island and places near by.

Do you have your own lab?

We perform a minimal number of CLIA waived lab tests in our office. We also obtain blood, urine, and other samples which are then processed through accredited laboratories.

How long will it take for me to get my lab results?

Most blood and urine tests results will be available to your physician within 5 days. You should be notified 24-48 hours later. However, some tests such as pathology specimens may take 7-10 days to be received. If within 10 days you have not heard from us, please call about your results.

Do you provide obstetric care (OB)?

We will see pregnant patients for illnesses during their pregnancy in conjunction with their OB.